Frequently asked questions about counseling

  1. How soon will I start to feel better?
  2. Because everyone is so unique and each situation is so different, there is really no way to know for sure. What I do know is that for many people it can be comforting just to have someone to talk to who really understands. How soon you start to feel better will also depend on your motivation and participation.

  3. How often will I need to come for counseling?
  4. Most people come into my Newport Beach office for counseling or therapy once a week. Depending on your concerns, you may want to come in more often in the beginning. And as you start to feel better, you may choose to come to counseling less often.

  5. Will therapy really help me?
  6. For many people counseling can be very helpful. Counseling provides a caring and supportive environment to share your concerns and explore new possibilities for getting more of what you want in your life. As much as I hope counseling will help you, there is no way to know for sure because everyone is so unique.

  7. How long will I need to stay in counseling?
  8. How long you stay in counseling is up to you and also depends on what you want to accomplish. Some people may discover the answers that they want after a short time. And others may choose to stay longer for support as you deal with their relationship concerns.

  9. Do you do marriage counseling, too?
  10. Yes, I do! Working with both partners in marriage counseling can have a beneficial effect on their relationship. A couple can develop a greater ability to understand each other, communicate more lovingly, and solve their problems more effectively.

  11. Is it possible to improve my marriage if my husband won’t come in for counseling?
  12. Yes. Over the years, I have found that when one partner comes in for therapy and starts to feel better, the relationship often starts to improve, too. And sometimes, the reluctant partner becomes curious and decides to also come in just to see what is happening.

  13. Do you work with men and help with other issues, too?
  14. Yes. For more than 20 years as a marriage and family therapist, I have helped both men and women with a variety of concerns and challenges. I would be happy to talk with you about your situation and see if I can help.

If you have any other questions, please call me at 949-715-0660 or email me at I’d really like to help.